This site is a capstone project from my time at The Coding Bootcamp at UT Austin. The inspiration was taken from all of the great local, but under-the-radar events that happen every day in Austin. I wanted to create a web app that was simple, easy-to-use, and robust enough to hopefully get the spotlight out on some deserving events.
The website is hosted on Heroku and makes use of jQuery for the client-side JavaScript functionality, Semantic UI for the site layout and theme, NodeJS for some of the backend API call handling (primarily to Google Maps and Geolocation services). Additional technologies used include Express, Handlebars, MySQL, and Sequelize for the ORM.
Link to my first deployed portfolio. Contains basic HTML and CSS formatting, including some external style sheets such as FontAwesome for social media icons.
Link to my "Responsive Portfolio". Makes use of media queries to allow the website to be responsive to different device and screen widths.
Link to my "Word-Guess-Game". Very similar to the classic Hangman game and themed to the book and television series, "The Expanse".
Link to my Star Wars RPG. Game mechanics programmed primarily using jQuery and JavaScript.
Link to my mythology-themed trivia game. Programmed with jQuery and JavaScript, with an emphasis on time intervals.
Link to my Giphy App. This is a simple program that utilizes AJAX API calls to populate a web page with data. Initially used jQuery to handle user input, but has since been refactored to React.
Link to my Train Schedule App. Utilizes Firebase as a basic server-side storage platform for taking user input data and displaying it on the DOM.
This Friend Finder app is meant to simulate a simple dating app. The application is implemented using Node.js/Express on the back end and jQeury/CSS styling on the front end.
This app is a burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and Semantic-UI. This is my first basic app built that follows the MVC design pattern.